Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Replica Oakleys - Who is Buying Them and Why?

The leading sunglass manufacturers, including Oakleys, price their sunglasses so high that it creates a demand for cheaper, best marketplace replicas. These best replica Oakleys are similar to the originals, and are made of nearly the same materials. However, the very fact that they are replicas means that they not generally provide the same protection as the originals Oakley Fuel Cell. It is surprising that the prices of replica Oakleys can really be so low that they seem quite affordable. But actually replicas are replicas. If you go in for extremely cheap fake sunglasses, it would mean that you have gone in for:o Inferior quality of material
Oakley Fuel Cell Sunglasses All Brown
Substandard designing of the frames Fake claims, like photo-chromatic ability etc.These are the factors that enable replica Oakley manufacturers to sell their products at discounts. Their prime concern is to maintain the same look as the original and make profits. There is no guarantee of getting any other of the benefits that the originals provide.Another factor for the economical price is that replica Oakley manufacturers save lots of money on research. They simply pick up original Oakleys, gather some information of the originals from the websites and produce a replica. The amount of money saved on research is so huge that the best quality replica Oakleys may come very close to the original, in appearance as well as in quality!
Replica Oakley sunglasses are sold at discount stores and dollar shops, and the cheapest of them by street-side vendors too. It is quite obvious that they carry no guarantee or warranty cards, and they often come without any proof of purchase. The buyers are fully aware that they are picking up a replica Oakley that is uncertified and unreliable.Majority of replica Oakley buyers are students, who may do have much money to spend on an original pair of Oakleys, but still want to look fashionable enough. Even sports lovers and adventure enthusiasts like to buy best replica Oakley sunglasses, to combat the heat of the sun during their sports or other adventure activities.
The cheap replicas may momentarily increase the sales of Oakley brands, but they often cut into the businesses of originals. In fact, the sale of replica Oakleys is 'damaging' to the manufacturers of the original brand. More so because most of the buyers are cannot distinguish the fake from the original. At times, the big brands may curtail the entries of new products in the market, and the replica manufacturers are left with no new designs to replicate.It is necessary to mention that the buyers of best replica Oakleys and the original ones are from entirely different classes of the society, and there is very less possibility for one of them to 'cut into' the business of the other.
No doubt best replicas Oakleys lend a temporary jubilation of purchase because of the cheap price, but the protection to the eyes from UV rays is also too less. So it is better to search the market and the Net for the best bargains in best replica Oakleys! Chris Schwebius is an online marketer and researcher that specializes in providing un-biased information about unique, niche related subjects Fake Oakley sunglasses. You can check out my site in full at 

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